Dr. Abraham Koshy is a medical graduate from C.M.C. Vellore and a post-graduate in gastroenterology (D.M., 1976) from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.Fellow of the American Association for the study of Liver Disease (USA).
Former faculty at Post-Graduate
Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh; Sanjay Gandhi Post-Graduate Institute, Lucknow; University of Kuwait and former professor & DM teacher, and current DNB (Gastroenterology) teacher at St. Jones Medical College, Bangalore.
More than 100 research publications in leading medical journals.
More than 50 years of experience in treating patients with common and rare Gastroenterology diseases.
Focus on personalised medicine (including genetic analysis) for precise diagnosis with the minimal investigation and cost-effective treatment in the patient's best interest.
He has research experience at the University of Paris (INSERM), University of Bern, (Switzerland) and Academic Medical Centre (Amsterdam, Netherlands).
He has observed medical liver transplant management at Royal Free Hospital, London; King’s College, London; University of Miami, U.S.A. and Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, U.S.A.
Associated with hospitals
Envisioning the goals & paving the path to success for the organization.