disorders, including Brain and Nerve Surgeon - Pain Pump, Baclofen Pump Treatment, BrainAneurysm Repair, Brain Battery Programming, Computed Tomography Scan(Bt), Deep Brain Stimulation,Disc Prosthesis Application, discectomy, Extratemporal Cortical Resection, Endoscopic Surgery, Epidural Steroid Injection, Epilepsy Surgery, Epilepsy Treatment, Functional Hemispherectomy, Gamma-Knife RadioSurgery, Hydrocephalus Shunt Application,Catheter Placement, Corpus Callosotomy (Epilepsy Surgery), Craniotomy, lesionectomy, lobectomy, Lobe Resection (Epilepsy Surgery), microsurgery, Microvascular Clipping, Microvascular Occlusion, Minimally Invasive Surgery, MRI, Multiple Subpial Transection, Neuro Oncological Surgery, Spine Surgery, and many more.
He has several years of experience as a Brain and Nerve Surgeon and has particularly made a name for himself when it comes to his profession.