Dr. Rahul Potluri

(+91) 894 335 3391

Interventional Cardiologist

Consultant - Cardiology

Book Appoinment
Work hours
  • Mon-Fri

    07:00 - 18:00

  • Saturday

    07:00 - 14:00

  • Sunday

    09:00 - 12:00


  • Dr. Rahul Potluri is a Interventional Cardiologist and he has done over 1000 bifurcation procedures - Expert in “DK Crush” stenting technique
  • He is working as a  Consultant in Interventional Cardiologist at KIMS Hospital,Hyderabad
  • His specialization
    includes Interventional Cardiologist
  • He is highly skilled interventional cardiologist who can undertake both simple and complex Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (Known as PCIs or Angioplasties) according to clinical need.
  • He has done over 2500 PCIs
  • He has done Complex PCI operator,LMS (Left Main Stem)
  • He has done Chronic Total Occlusion PCI operator
  • He has done over 1300 multiple-vessel coronary angioplasties 
  • He is Faculty, Invited speaker and Cardiologist of Tomorrow at ESC Congress, Barcelona, 8/2017
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker at AVCS/TCT India, Hyderabad, India, 8/2017
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker at 22nd World Congress on Heart Disease, Vancouver, Canada, 7/2017
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker at C3 Conference, Orlando, 6/2017
  • He got Montreal Live Summit Prize, Montreal, Canada, 5/2017
  • He is member in British Cardiovascular Society ACC Bursary. 3/2017.
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker at ACC Conference, Washington, 3/2017
  • He is Invited Scientific Advisory Board Member of International Academy of Cardiology
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker CRT 2017, Washington, 2/2017
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker European Society of Cardiology Congress, Rome, 8/2016
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker at C3 conference, Orlando, 6/2016
  • He is Faculty and Sessional Chair at the World Congress of Cardiology, Melbourne, 5/2014.
  • He got Merit awarded for Masters in Research (Medical Sciences). University of Manchester. Manchester.  12/2013. .
  • He got Young Investigator Award. International Atherosclerosis Society. World Congress of Cardiology 2010. Beijing. 6/2010.
  • He got Young Investigator Grant.  European

  • He has done research on Epidemiology,Disease Trends,Ethnic variations,Healthcare delivery research,Bioinformatics,Clinical Trials,Imaging,Atherosclerosis,Healthcare and disease modeling,Biostatistics,Hypothesis generating research,Medical education,Interventional Cardiology
  • He is Faculty, Abstract Grader and Speaker, ESC Congress, Amsterdam 8/2020
  • He is Faculty. Advanced Cardiovascular Interventions Conference, London 1/2020
  • He is Faculty, Abstract Grader and Speaker,  ESC Congress, Paris, 9/2019
  • He is member in British Cardiovascular Society, ACC Bursary, 3/2019. 
  • He is Fellow of American College of Cardiology (FACC), 8/2018
  • He got ESC Congress Award, ESC congress, Munich, 8/2018
  • He is Faculty, Abstract Grader and Speaker,  ESC Congress, Munich, 8/2018
  • He is Invited Scientific Advisory Board Member, Scientific Programme Committee and Abstract Grader of International Academy of Cardiology
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker at 23rd World Congress on Heart Disease, Boston, USA 7/2018
  • He is Faculty at C3 Conference, Orlando, 6/2018
  • He is Faculty, Invited speaker and Cardiologist of Tomorrow at ESC Congress, Barcelona, 8/2017
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker at AVCS/TCT India, Hyderabad, India, 8/2017
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker at 22nd World Congress on Heart Disease, Vancouver, Canada, 7/2017
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker at C3 Conference, Orlando, 6/2017
  • He got Montreal Live Summit Prize, Montreal, Canada, 5/2017
  • He is member in British Cardiovascular Society ACC Bursary. 3/2017.
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker at ACC Conference, Washington, 3/2017
  • He is Invited Scientific Advisory Board Member of International Academy of Cardiology
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker CRT 2017, Washington, 2/2017
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker European Society of Cardiology Congress, Rome, 8/2016
  • He is Faculty and invited speaker at C3 conference, Orlando, 6/2016
  • He is Faculty and Sessional Chair at the World Congress of Cardiology, Melbourne, 5/2014.
  • He got Merit awarded for Masters in Research (Medical Sciences). University of Manchester. Manchester.  12/2013. 
  • He is member of British Cardiovascular Society ESC Bursary. 8/2013. 
  • He is member of European Society of Cardiology Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science Travel Award. ESC 2012. Munich 8/2012
  • He is member of Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (ASCI) Travelling Fellowship. Hong Kong College of Radiologists. ASCI. Hong Kong. 6/2011.
  • He is member of Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging Award. SCMR. 6/2011.
  • He got Young Investigator Award. International Atherosclerosis Society. World Congress of Cardiology 2010. Beijing. 6/2010.
  • He got Young Investigator Grant.  European Society of Neurology Conference.  Milan.  June 2009.
  • He got Honours in Medical School/PDP.  July 2008.
  • He got Welcome Trust Student Elective Prize. January 2008.
  • He got Denis Burkitt Award 2007. British Nutrition Foundation. July 2007.
  • He got Cochrane Prize 2007 from the Faculty of Public Health. June 2007. 
  • He got J H Sheldon Bursary from the University of Birmingham. May 2007.
  • He got British Medical and Dental Students Trust Award from the BMA. April 2007
  • He got Sir Julian Hodge Foundation Bursary Award. March 2007
  • He got Diabetes UK. Medical Elective Award. February 2007.
  • He got Childrens Research Fund Award. February 2007.
  • He got Sir Arthur Thomson Trust Research Award. January 2007.
  • He presented A perfect 10 – Complex Angioplasty with 10 stents – ACI, London, January 2020.
  • He presented Cardiac arrest patients presenting to hospitals at the weekend are not subject to the weekend effect.  ESC, Paris, September 2019.
  • He presented Acute Coronary Syndrome and Longโ€term Survival in South Asians: Insights from the UK ACALM Registry.  SCAI, Las Vegas, May 2019. 
  • He presented The association of cardiovascular disease with respiratory disease and impact on mortality. ACC, New Orleans, March 2019
  • He presented Cardiovascular risk profile and diseases in patients with sarcoidosis in the ACALM big data registry. ACC, New Orleans, March 2019
  • He presented The impact of gender and marital status on long term mortality in patients with cardiovascular disease: Insights utilising big data from the ACALM Study: ACC, New Orleans, March 2019
  • He presented AF outcomes comparing South Asians and Caucasians using Big Data: AHA, Chicago, November 2018
  • He presented Pulmonary Hypertension and outcomes using Big Data: CCC, Toronto, October 2018 
  • He presented Rheumatoid arthritis as a risk factor for IHD using Big data: ESC, Munich, August 2018
  • He presented Temporal trends in STEMI comparing UK and Canada: ESC, Munich, August 2018
  • He presented Age and comorbidity on STEMI outcomes: ESC, Munich, August 2018
  • He presented Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection using Big Data: International academy of Cardiology: World Congress, Boston, Canada, July 2018
  • He presented Infection as a risk factor for IHD and Stroke: ACC, Orlando, USA, March 2018
  • He presented Marital status and outcomes in ACS: ESC, Barcelona, August 2017
  • He presented CTO risk factors and scoring: European Society of Cardiology Conference, Barcelona, August 2017
  • He presented Breast cancer and high cholesterol: European Society of Cardiology Conference, Barcelona, August 2017
  • He presented Big data in Interventional Cardiology: ACVS/TCT India, Hyderabad, India, August 2017
  • He presented Intramural haematoma in Left Main: ACVS/TCT India, Hyderabad, India, August 2017
  • He presented In-stent Restenosis and management, ACVS/TCT India, Hyderabad, India, August 2017
  • He presented Retrograde CTO with parallel stenting: CVI, Denver, USA, August 2017
  • He presented Big data in Cardiology: an update, International academy of Cardiology: World Congress, Vancouver, Canada, July 2017
  • He presented CTO utilising big data, C3 conference,  Orlando, June 2017
  • He presented CTO: risk factors and predictors, Montreal Live, May 2017
  • He presented SCAD: risk factors and long term outcomes, ACC, Washington, March 2017
  • He presented Big data in Cardiology: UK perspective, CRT, Washington, February 2017
  • He presented Lessons from Complex PCI. SCAI Fellows Course. Las Vegas. December 2016.
  • He presented Big Data analytics for population analysis.European Society of Cardiology Conference. Rome. August 2016.
  • He presented Trends and mortality of cardiogenic shock.European Society of Cardiology Conference. Rome. August 2016.
  • He presented Increasing readmissions to hospital worsen mortality and decrease survival in Heart Failure patients - 15 year study from the United Kingdom from 2000-2014. European Society of Cardiology Conference. Rome. August 2016.
  • He presented Impact of cardiovascular co-morbidities on all-cause mortality in lung, breast, prostate and bowel cancer. European Society of Cardiology Conference. Rome. August 2016.
  • He presented Patients admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation outside of standard weekday working hours and at weekends have worse mortality and poorer survival. European Society of Cardiology Conference. Rome. August 2016.
  • He presented Heart Failure patients discharged from hospital at weekends have worse mortality and poorer survival - 14 year study from the United Kingdom from 2000-2013. European Society of Cardiology Conference. Rome. August 2016.
  • He presented Impact of combined atrial fibrillation and heart failure on mortality: 14-year naturalistic follow-up study. European Society of Cardiology Conference. Rome. August 2016.
  • He presented The impact of psychiatric co-morbidities on the length of stay in patients with heart failure. European Society of Cardiology Conference. Rome. August 2016.
  • He presented Hyperlipidaemia reduces mortality in breast, prostate, lung and bowel cancer. FCVB. Florence. July 2016.
  • He presented Improving Mortality and Reducing Incidence of Cardiogenic Shock: 14-year Study Evaluating Trends in Primary PCI Era. C3 Conference. Orlando. June 2016.
  • He presented Psychiatric Co-Morbidities and Tendencies in Patients with Non-Ischaemic Heart Failure (NIHF) – A Large Observational Cohort Study Spanning 14 Years. World Congress of Cardiology. Mexico City. June 2016. 
  • He presented Angioplasty improves mortality in the management of acute coronary syndrome in patients with chronic anaemia. International Conference on Coronary Artery Disease. Florence. December 2015.
  • He presented Weekend and out of hours admission to hospital with Acute Coronary Syndrome confers poorer mortality and longer length of hospital stay. European Society of Cardiology Conference. London. UK. August 2015.
  • He presented Prevalence of atrial fibrillation in patients with heart failure according to age.  European Society of Cardiology Conference. Barcelona. Spain. August 2014
  • He presented Hyperlipidaemia as a risk factor for breast cancer? Frontiers in Cardiovascular Biology. Barcelona. Spain. July 2014.
  • He presented Prolonged length of hospital stay in black and ethnic minority patients with cardiomyopathy. World Congress of Acute Heart Failure (ESC). Athens. Greece. May 2014.
  • He presented Type 2 diabetes mellitus in young South Asian patients leads to increased cardiovascular co-morbidity and decreased survival. World Heart Federation’s World Congress of Cardiology. Melbourne. Australia. May 2014.
  • He presented ICD insertion is the only predictor of reduced mortality and improved survival in patients with Ischaemic Cardiomyopathy: Real-life data from Manchester, UK, 2000-2013. World Heart Federation’s World Congress of Cardiology. Melbourne. Australia. May 2014.
  • He presented The burden of cardiovascular disease amongst psychiatric patients in Manchester, UK.  World Heart Federation’s World Congress of Cardiology. Melbourne. Australia. May 2014.
  • He presented The burden and secular trends of cardiovascular disease amongst patients with rheumatoid arthritis. World Heart Federation’s World Congress of Cardiology. Melbourne. Australia. May 2014.
  • He presented ICD insertion confers reduced mortality and improved survival in patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Real-life data from Manchester, UK, 2000-2013. World Heart Federation’s World Congress of Cardiology. Melbourne. Australia. May 2014.
  • He presented Predictors of mortality in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome - A hospital admissions study: 2000-2013. World Heart Federation’s World Congress of Cardiology. Melbourne. Australia. May 2014.
  • He presented Predictors Of Mortality In Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy - A Hospital Admissions Study: 2000-2013. World Heart Federation’s World Congress of Cardiology. Melbourne. Australia. May 2014.
  • He presented Multiparametric Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Assessment of Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy. SCMR 17th Annual Scientific Sessions. USA. 
  • He presented Inpatient echocardiography confers improved mortality in patients with acute coronary syndrome.  17th Euro Echo Conference. Istanbul. Turkey.  December 2013. 
  • He presented Predictors of mortality in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome - A hospital admissions study: 2000-2013.  4th Emirates Cardiac Society Congress. Dubai. USA. November 2013.
  • He presented he role of angioplasty in the management of acute coronary syndrome in patients with previous coronary artery bypass grafts. European Society of Cardiology Conference.  Amsterdam, Netherlands. August 2013.
  • He presented The role of angioplasty in the management of acute coronary syndrome in octogenarians.European Society of Cardiology Conference.  Amsterdam, Netherlands. August 2013.
  • He presented Audit of heart failure patients using ESC guidelines for heart rate optimization.  European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Congress. Lisbon, Portugal. May 2013.
  • He presented Audit of Ivabradine use in heart failure clinic using ESC Guidelines 2012.  European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Congress. Lisbon, Portugal. May 2013.
  • He presented Effect of contrast dose, post-contrast acquisition time, myocardial regionality, cardiac cycle and gender on dynamic-equilibrium CMR measurement of myocardial extracellular volume. Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging Conference. San Francisco, USA. February 2013.
  • He presented Impaired copper homeostasis in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. European Society of Cardiology Conference.  Munich, Germany. August 2012.
  • He presented The burden of cardiovascular disease amongst psychiatric patients in Birmingham, UK. World Congress of Cardiology,Dubai,UAE.April 2012.
  • He presented Interrelationship of LV mass, focal fibrosis by LGE, and diffuse fibrosis by T1-changes in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.  Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging Conference. Orlando, USA.  February 2012. 
  • He presented CMR assessment of myocardial mechanics and tissue characterization in patients treated with Anthracycline chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukaemia.  Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging Conference. Orlando, USA.  February 2012
  • He presented Increasing prevalence of Myocardial Infarction amongst young patients in the UK - Role for Coronary Perfusion Scanning?5th ASCI. Hong Kong. June 2011.
  • He presented Changing role of the cardiovascular risk factor profie in acute myocardial infarction.  European Atherosclerosis Society. Gothenburg, Sweden. June 2011. 
  • He presented Increasing prevalence of Cardiovascular disease amongst South Asian patients in the UK. Press Conference.  World Congress of Cardiology.  Beijing. China. June 2010.
  • He presented Increasing prevalence of Haemorrhagic Stroke amongst South Asian patients in the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2005.  World Congress of Cardiology.  Beijing. China.  June 2010.
  • He presented Changing spectrum and role of the Cardiovascular risk factor profile in Myocardial Infarction.  World Congress of Cardiology.  Beijing. China.  June 2010.
  • He presented Indian diabetic patients have a higher prevalence of hypertension and diabetic nephropathy compared to UK and Mauritian cohorts.  World Congress of Cardiology.  Beijing. China.  June 2010.
  • He presented Heart failure is a significant predicator of mortality in ovarian cancer patients. World Congress of Cardiology.  Beijing. China.  June 2010.
  • He presented Cardiovascular risk factors in Vascular Dementia and Ischaemic Stroke. World Congress of Cardiology.  Beijing. China.  June 2010.
  • He presented Iron deficiency anaemia and the increased risk of diabetes mellitus in women from a multiethnic population in the United Kingdom.  European Society of Cardiology Congress 2008.  Munich, Germany. August 2008.
  • He presented Angiopoietins mediate monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells and have pro-inflammatory actions independent of VEGF.  XVIth World Congress of Cardiology.  May 2008. 
  • He presented Microvascular diabetic complications are more prevalent in India compared to Mauritius and the UK due to poorer diabetic control. XVIth World Congress of Cardiology.  Buenos Aires, Argentina.  May 2008.
  • He presented Clinical application of arterial stiffness measurements to aid cardiovascular disease risk assessments.  Euro Prevent Conference.  Paris, France. May 2008.
  • He presented Glycaemic status underlies increased arterial stiffness.  European Atherosclerosis Society Conference.  Istanbul, Turkey. April 2008.  
  • He presented Angiopoietins and monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells. 77th European Atherosclerosis Society Conference.  Istanbul, Turkey.  April 2008. 
  • He presented Microvascular diabetes complication are more prevalent in India compared to Mauritius and the UK due to poorer diabetic control. 8th International Diabetes Federation Conference.  Wellington, New Zealand. March 2008.
  • He presented Increased arterial stiffness amongst healthy South Asians in the UK in the absence of raised blood pressure.  1st Artery Conference. Prague, Czech Rep, September 2007.
  • He presented Secular trends and Mortality amongst Stroke patients (1997-2005).  SLMDA. Birmingham, UK. July 2007.
  • He presented Enforced changes in Junk Food consumption may lead to healthier eating behaviours amongst school children.  International Conference on Physical Activity and Obesity in children. Toronto, Canada. June 2007. 
  • He presented Secular trends in the Cardiovascular risk profile and mortality amongst Stroke admissions in an inner city multi ethnic population in the UK (1997-2005). 76th European Atherosclerosis Society Conference. Helsinki, Finland. June 2007. 
  • He presented Possible role of Angiopoietins in the role of Atherosclerosis.  Department of Cardiovascular Medicine.  DukeUniversityMedicalCenter.  Durham, North Carolina, United States. May 2007.
  • He presented Role of Endothelial Adhesion in the context of Atherosclerosis. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine.  DukeUniversityMedicalCenter. Durham, North Carolina, United States. May 2007.
  • He presented Angiopoietins mediate monocyte adhesion to smooth muscle cells through the Tie-2 Receptor.  Leiden International Medical Student Conference. Leiden, Netherlands. March 2007. 
  • He presented Audit of Diabetes Mellitus and Dementia. 8th International Conference of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Salzburg, France. March 2007.
  • He presented Angiopoietin-1 promotes monocyte adhesion to smooth muscle cells and accelerates atherosclerosis”. 3rd European Vascular Genomics Network Conference. Toulouse, France. December 2006. 
  • He presented Angiopoietin-1 promotes the adhesion of monocyte to vascular smooth muscle cells and increases plaque size in ApoE-/- Mice. 3rd European Meeting on Vascular Biology and Medicine. Hamburg, Germany. September 2005.
  • His selected news/press articlesStudy Suggests No 'Weekend Effect' for Cardiac Arrest Patients. 
  • His selected news/press articlesHeart Disease 'Survival Risk' for Widowed and Divorced Men. 
  • His selected news/press articles Single men are more likely to survive heart failure than married men, study claims. 
  • His selected news/press articles Common lung conditions associated with cardiovascular risk
  • His selected news/press articles Exploring ACALM and the role of Big Data in Medical Research 
  • His selected news/press articles Machine learning in Healthcare: The Times: Cardiovascular Health. 
  • His selected news/press articles Matters of the heart: India’s Statin Problem. 
  • His selected news/press articles High cholesterol linked to breast cancertimesofindia.indiatimes.com 
  • His selected news/press articles Study links high cholesterol to breast cancerwww.dnaindia.com › Health
  • His selected news/press articles Statins for breast cancer? www.thestar.com.my 
  • His selected news/press articles Can statins increase breast cancer risk? - Health.india.comwww.thehealthsite.com/news/can-statins-increase-breast-cancer-risk/
  • His selected news/press articles Young South Asian people at higher risk of diabetes and associated heart disease. 
  • His selected news/press articles HAEMORRHAGIC STROKE PREVALENCE INCREASING IN UK’S SOUTH ASIAN POPULATION. New data presented at the World Congress of Cardiology. World Congress of Cardiology 2010 Press Release
  • His selected news/press articles Stroke Prevalence is increasing in UK’s South Asian population.  Anaesthesia UK.
  • His selected news/press articles Survey: Type 2 Diabetes Grows Rapidly in India 
  • His selected news/press articles India needs to rapidly improve diagnosis and treatment of Diabetes. 
  • His selected news/press articles Indian-born Medical Student Receives Prestigious British Prize. 
  • His selected news/press articles Diabetes time-bomb in modern India needs to be addressed now. 
  • His selected news/press articles A heavy-weight burden for healthcare.  The Hindu.  24th June 2007. 
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Abdelaziz H, Saad M , Pothineni NV,Megaly M, Potluri R et al. Aspirin for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: Evidence from a Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. J Am CollCardiol. 2019, 73 (23) 2915-2929; 
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Carter P, Lagan J, Fortune C et al. The association of cardiovascular disease with respiratory disease and impact on outcome. J Am CollCardiol.2019;73(17):2166-2177.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Mathew A, Fisher L, Shanks M, Potluri R, Bainey K. Cardiac Involvement in Critically Ill Patients with Leptospirosis: A Prospective Study Using Myocardial Deformation Imaging.  European Heart 
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Carter PR, Lavu D, Potluri R. Re: 'Marital status and risk ofcardiovascular diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis'. 
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Potluri R. ACALM (Algorithm for Comorbidities, Associations, Length of stay and Mortality). Future Oncology 2018 Aug;14(20):1991-1994.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Potluri R, Carter PR, Lavu D et al.  The Interplay between Cholesterol and Breast Cancer: Is there a potential role for Statin therapy? Future Oncology 2018 Aug;14(19):1885-1888
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Mathew A, Fyyaz SA, Carter PR, Potluri R. The enigma of the weekend effect. J Thorac Dis. 2018 Jan;10(1):102-105.doi: 10.21037/jtd.2017.12.115.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Ziff OJ, Carter PR, McGowan J, Uppal H, Chandran S, Russell S, Bainey KR,Potluri R. The interplay between atrial fibrillation and heart failure onlong-term mortality and length of stay: Insights from the, United Kingdom ACALMregistry. Int J Cardiol. 2018 Feb 1;252:117-121
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Rasoul D, Uppal H, Chandran S, Wong SC, Sarma J, Potluri R. Trends of psychiatric co-morbidities amongst patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: A large observational cohort study spanning 14 years. Res Cardiovasc Med 2017;6(2):6-8. DOI: 10.5812/cardiovascmed.32732
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Potluri R, Drozdov I, Carter P, Sarma J. Big Data and Cardiology: Time for Mass Analytics?. European Medical Journal 2015:15
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Loudon BL, Gollop ND, Carter PR, Uppal H, Chandran S, Potluri R. Impact of cardiovascular risk factors and disease on length of stay and mortality in patients with acute coronary syndromes. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Oct 1;220:745-9
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Ziaei F, Zaman M, Rasoul D, Gorantla RS, Bhayani R, Shakir S, Shan SK, Khan J, Uppal H, Chandran S, Potluri R. The prevalence of atrial fibrillation amongst heart failure patients increases with age. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Jul 1;214:410-1.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Hayes RM, Carter PR, Gollop ND, Uppal H, Sarma J, Chandran S, Potluri R. The impact of marital status on mortality and length of stay in patients admitted with acute coronary syndrome. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Jun 1;212:142-4.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Carter P, Reynolds J, Carter A, Potluri S, Uppal H, Chandran S, Potluri R. The impact of psychiatric comorbidities on the length of hospital stay in patients with heart failure. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Mar 15;207:292-6
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Liew I, Carter P, Reynolds J, Gollop ND, Uppal H, Chandran S, Potluri R. Length of hospital stay is shorter in South Asian patients with transient ischemic attack. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Jan 15;203:607-8. 
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Potluri R. Is it time to re-appraise the weekend effect? J R Soc Med. 2015Oct;108(10):382-3.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Potluri R, Reynolds J, Carter P, Baig M, Aziz A, Potluri S, Ali N,Uppal H, Chandran S. The role of angioplasty in octogenarian patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Jan 1;202:430-2.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Shan SK, McConnell O, Khan J, Ziaei F, Bhayani R, Shakir S, Potluri S, Gorantla RS, Uppal H, Chandran S, Potluri R. The impact of ethnicity on the prevalence and length of hospital stay in patients with mitral regurgitation. Int J Cardiol. 2015 Sep 15;195:15-6.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Rasoul D, Potluri S, Wong SC, Gorantla RS, Aziz A, Chandran S, Uppal H, Potluri R. Psychiatric co-morbidities in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Int J Cardiol. 2015 Jul 15;191:71-3.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Potluri R, Wasim M, Markandey B, Kapour A, Khouw N, Carter P, Uppal H, Chandran S. Length of hospital stay is shorter in South Asian patients with Ischaemic Stroke. Int J Cardiol. 2015 Mar 20;187:190-191.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Gorantla RS, Nimmagadda M, Potluri S, Uppal H, Chandran S, Potluri R.Ethnic variations in length of hospital stay in patients with atrial fibrillation.Int J Cardiol.2015 Mar 30;187:542-544.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications YssennaggerL, Gollop ND, Gorantla RS, Nimmagadda M, Potluri S, Uppal H, Chandran S, Potluri R. Increasing burden of Psychiatric Comorbidities amongst patients with Ischaemic Heart Disease. Int J Cardiol. 2015 Mar 18;186:200-201
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Uppal H, Chandran S, Potluri R. Risk factors for Mortality in Downs Syndrome.  J Intellect Disabil Res. 2015 Apr 8. doi: 10.1111/jir.12196..
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Potluri R, Baig M, Mavi JS, Ali N, Aziz A, Uppal H, Chandran S. The role of angioplasty in patients with acute coronary syndrome and previous coronary artery bypass grafting. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Oct 20;176(3):760-3. doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.07.097. Epub 2014 Aug 7. PubMed PMID: 25135330.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Thakker C, Gollop ND, Carter P, Lavu D, Uppal H, Chandran S, Potluri R. Prevalence and length of hospital stay in patients with aortic valve disease is lower amongst South Asians. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Nov 15;177(1);34-6.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Green B, Gollop ND, Baig M, Uppal H, Chandran S, Potluri R. Prolonged length of hospital stay in Far-East Asian and Afro-Caribbean patients with cardiomyopathy. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Sep;176(1):230-1. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.06.012. Epub 2014 Jun 28. PubMed PMID: 25064199.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Christopher A Miller, JaydeepSarma, Josephine Naish, Nizar Yonan, Simon G Williams, Steven M Shaw, David Clark, Keith Pearce, Martin Stout, Rahul Potluri, Alex Borg, Glyn Coutts, SaqibChowdhary, Gerry P McCann, Geoffrey J M Parker, Simon G Ray, Matthias Schmitt: Multiparametric Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Assessment of Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy.. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2014 Mar 4;63(8):799-808
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Co-morbidities and Mortality associated with Intracranial Bleeds and Ischaemic Stroke. Int J Neurosci. 2014 Jun 4:1-21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24894046.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Teo R, Gollop ND, Baig M, Uppal H, Chandran S, Potluri R. The burden and trends of psychiatric co-morbidities amongst patients with cardiomyopathy. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Jun 15;174(2):398-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.04.062. Epub 2014 Apr 15. PubMed PMID: 24774353.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications D.Lavu, H.Uppal, A.Katragadda, A.Ahmed, R.Potluri. “Effect of ethnicity on live birth rates after in vitro fertilisation or intracytoplasmic sperm injection treatment” Possible explanations and further observations. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. BJOG. 2014 Nov;121(12);1576-7
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Carter P, Rai G, Aziz A, Mann J, Chandran S, Uppal H, Potluri R. Trends of cardiovascular disease amongst psychiatric patients between 2001 and 2012 in Greater Manchester, UK.Int J Cardiol. 2014 May 15;173(3):573-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.03.116. Epub 2014 Mar 21. PubMed PMID: 24698254.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Baig M, Farag A, Sajid J, Potluri R, Irwin RB, Khalid HM. Shellfish allergy and relation to iodinated contrast media: United Kingdom survey. World J Cardiol. 2014 Mar 26;6(3):107-11. doi: 10.4330/wjc.v6.i3.107. PubMed PMID: 24669292; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3964187
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Schoepf D, Uppal H, Potluri R, Chandran S, Heun R. Comorbidity and its relevance on general hospital based mortality in major depressive disorder: a naturalistic 12-year follow-up in general hospital admissions. J Psychiatr Res. 2014 May;52:28-35. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2014.01.010. Epub 2014 Jan 24. PubMed PMID: 24513499.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Ciputra RN, Sembiring YE, Prawoto OL, Khouw N, Baig M, Uppal H, Chandran S, Potluri R. Length of stay in hospital is longer in ethnic minority patients after coronary artery bypass surgery. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Apr 1;172(3):e434-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.12.182. Epub 2014 Jan 8. PubMed PMID: 24456872.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications S Smith, N Gollop, H Uppal, S Chandran, R Potluri.Length of hospital stay is shorter in South Asian patients with acute pulmonary embolism.  Heart Asia 2014;6:1-2
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Niece Khouw, Mohammed Wasim, Amir Aziz, Hardeep Uppal, Suresh Chandran, Rahul Potluri: Length of hospital stay is shorter in South Asian patients with myocardial infarction. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Feb 1;171(2):e54-5
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Carter P, Mann J, Sangha J, Uppal H, Natalwala A, Aziz A, Heun R, Potluri R. The burden of cardiovascular disease amongst psychiatric patients. Int J Cardiol.2013 Nov15;169(4):e65-6.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Schoepf D, Uppal H, Rahul Potluri, Heun.R: Physical comorbidity and its relevance on mortality in schizophrenia: a naturalistic 12-year follow-up in general hospital admissions.. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 08/2013;
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications R Heun, D.Schoepf, R. Potluri, A. Natalwala.  Alzheimer’s disease and co-morbidity: Increased prevalence and possible risk factors of excess mortality in a naturalistic 7-year follow-up.  World Biomedical Frontiers ISSN: 2328-0166 Alzheimer 2013 Jun-7
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Julia Chackathayil, Jeetesh V Patel, Paramjit S Gill, Rahul Potluri, Ammar Natalwala, Hardeep Uppal, DeepthiLavu, ReinhardHeun, Elizabeth A Hughes, Gregory Y H Lip: Cardiovascular Risk Profiles amongst Women in a Multiethnic Population in Inner City Britain: A Potential Impact of Anaemia.. International Journal of Endocrinology 01/2013; 2013:303859.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Rahul Potluri, Ammar Natalwala, Mitsuko Nakajima, DeepthiLavu, Rochelle Velho, Hardeep Uppal, ReinhardHeun: Prevalence of mental health disorders among patients with Parkinson's disease in the United Kingdom. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 12/2011; 18(12):1746-7.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Kimani KN, Potluri R, Natalwala A, Ghosh S, Heun R, Narendran P. Length of hospital stay is shorter in black and ethnic minority patients with diabetes. Diabet Med. 2012 Jun;29(6):830-1.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications D Schoepf, R Potluri, H Uppal, A Natalwala, P Narendran, R Heun: Type-2 diabetes mellitus in schizophrenia: increased prevalence and major risk factor of excess mortality in a naturalistic 7-year follow-up. European Psychiatry 05/2011; 27(1):33-42.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Shakil Ahmad, Melissa J Cudmore, Keqing Wang, Peter Hewett, Rahul Potluri, Takeshi Fujisawa, Asif Ahmed: Angiopoietin-1 induces migration of monocytes in a tie-2 and integrin-independent manner. Hypertension 09/2010; 56(3):477-83.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Rahul Potluri, YanishPurmah, Mohammad Dowlut, NileshSewpaul, DeepthiLavu: Microvascular diabetic complications are more prevalent in India compared to Mauritius and the UK due to poorer diabetic control. Diabetes research and clinical practice 09/2009; 86(2):e39-40.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Ahmed A, Fujisawa T, Niu XL, Ahmad S, Al-Ani B, Chudasama K, Abbas A, Potluri R, Bhandhari V, Findley CM, Lam  G, Huang J, Hewett PW, Cudmore M, Kontos CD.  Angiopoietin-2 confers Atheroprotection in apoE-/- Mice by Inhibiting LDL oxidation via Nitric Oxide. Circulation Research 2009;104:1333-1336
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Ammar Natalwala, C Buckley, R Potluri, C Clarke. Epidemiology of Joint disorders in Parkinson's disease and their impact on health status. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 2009;16(10):1382-1383
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications R Heun, U Gühne, T Luck, M C Angermeyer, U Ueberham, R Potluri, A Natalwala, T Arendt, S G Riedel-Heller: Apolipoprotein E allele 4 is not a sufficient or a necessary predictor of the development of Mild Cognitive Impairment. European Psychiatry 06/2009; 25(1):15-8.
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Ammar Natalwala, Rahul Potluri, Hardeep Uppal, ReinhardHeun.  Reasons for hospital admissions in dementia patients in Birmingham, UK during 2002-2007.  Dementia and Cog. Disorders. 2008;26(6): 499-505
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Rahul Potluri, Ammar Natalwala.  Increasing prevalence of haemorrhagic stroke amongst South Asian patients during the period 1997-2005.  Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 2009;16(4):605-606 
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Rahul Potluri, Ammar Natalwala, Hardeep Uppal, ReinhardHeun.  Different risk factors in vascular dementia and ischaemic stroke. Neuroepidemiology 2009;32(1):80
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications Rahul Potluri, Ammar Natalwala, Hardeep Uppal, ReinhardHeun. Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Vascular Dementia and Ischaemic Stroke.  Journal of Neuroepidemiology. 2008;31:67-68 
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications A.Gunarathne, J.V.Patel, R.Potluri, B.Gammon, S.Jessani, E.A.Hughes, G.Y.H.Lip.  Increased 5-year mortality in the migrant South Asian stroke patients with diabetes mellitus in the UK: The West Birmingham Stroke Project. International Journal of Clinical Practice.  2008;62(2):197-201
  • His selected Peer-reviewed publications A Gunarathne, J V Patel, R Potluri, P S Gill, E A Hughes, G Y H Lip. Secular trends in the cardiovascular risk profile and mortality of stroke admissions in an inner city, multiethnic population in the UK (1997-2005).  Journal of Human Hypertension.  2008;22:18-23.

Area of Expertise
  • Interventional Cardiologist
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Education of DR. RAHUL POTLURI
BMedSc (Cardiovascular Science)

University of Birmingham



University of Birmingham



Royal College of Physicians



Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow



University of Manchester



Certificate of Completion of Training



American College of Cardiology



Certificate of Completion of Training



European Examination in General Cardiology


Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology

University of Alberta


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