Dr. S. Vyjayanthi

(+91) 894 335 3391

Infertility/IVF Specialist

Consultant - IVF

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Work hours
  • Mon-Fri

    07:00 - 18:00

  • Saturday

    07:00 - 14:00

  • Sunday

    09:00 - 12:00

About Doctor DR. S. VYJAYANTHI

  • Dr Vyjayanthi is an Infertility, Reproductive Medicine & Surgery and she subsequently obtained Subspecialty Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine at the world-renowned St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London
  • She is working as a  Consultant & HOD  in
    Infertility, Reproductive Medicine & Surgery at KIMS Hospital,Hyderabad
  • Her specialization includes  Infertility, Reproductive Medicine & Surgery
  • She obtained her MRCOG on the very first attempt in London(1997).
  • She then completed structured training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the United Kingdom leading to CCT (Certificate of Completion of training), which is essential to work as a Consultant in the UK and has been working in the field of infertility since 2003.
  • She did Clinical Research Fellowship in the reputed institution - Leeds Reproductive Medicine Unit which is one of the largest IVF units in UK performing well over 1500 cycles of IVF every year and is also a centre of academic excellence. To widen her knowledge in this Subspecialty
  • She acquired MSc in Clinical Embryology during her training at this Centre of excellence.
  • She further accreditation with the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists as a subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine, which gives one the eligibility to work as a Director of an IVF Centre in the United Kingdom. She has vast experience in all aspects of reproductive medicine and surgery having worked with eminent figures in the field of fertility in the UK.
  • She has published widely in peer reviewed journals, presented scientific papers at National and International Conferences and was involved in a number of Research Projects in Reproductive Medicine during her training in United Kingdom.
  • She returned to India in 2009 and set up the KIMS Fertility Centre to bring her expertise within the reach of Indian couples.


  • She published MCQ’S & EMQ”S in surgery: A Bailey & Love Revision Guide, Second Edition 2015, Chapter 80-Gynaecology, S.Vyjayanthi & Pranathi Reddy, pages 767-775.
  • She published Nahar R, Rangarajan A, S.Vyjayanthi, Bhusanam K, Genetic evaluation in infertility: case of infertile couple with deletion and duplication of chromosome 9q12, Journal of Medical and Scientific Research. March 2015.
  • She published Hemmings KE, Maruthini D, Vyjayanthi S, Hogg JE, Balen AH, Campbell BK, Leese HJ, Picton HM, Amino acid turnover by human oocytes is influenced by gamete developmental competence, patient characteristics and gonadotrophin treatment. Human Reproduction 2013, April: 28(4); 1031-44.
  • She published B.Guruwadayarhalli, S.E.Jones, S.Vyjayanthi, Hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of postmenopausal bleeding, Menopause International (2007); 13: 07-20.
  • She published S.E.Jones, S.Vyjayanthi, B.Guruwadayarhalli, Chapter 5-Treating menstrual disturbance including pelvic pain (Excluding PCOS) –Pages 39-59. Obesity and Reproductive Health-RCOG Press 978-1-904752-39-4.
  • She published S.E.Jones, B.Guruwadayarhalli, S.Vyjayanthi; Surgical and interventional management of abnormal uterine bleeding, Gynaecology Forum ; 2007, 12 (2), 23-26.
  • She published S.Vyjayanthi, J.Glanville, E.Yasmin &A.H.Balen. Modern trends in ovulation induction Human Fertility (Camb).2007 Jun; 10(2): 117-121.
  • She published S. Vyjayanthi, T.Tang, M.Deivanayagam, A.Fattah, N.Bardis, A.H.Balen. “Elective cryopreservation of embryos at the pronucleate stage in women at risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome may affect the overall pregnancy rate”. Fertility and Sterility 2006 Dec; 86 (6): 1773-5.
  • She published S.Vyjayanthi, C.R.Kingsland, R.Dunham &A.H.Balen.”National survey of current practice in assessing tubal patency in the U.K”, Human Fertility (2004) Vol 7 No4 pages-267-271.
  • She published M.Zachariah, S.Vyjayanthi, S.Bell-Thomas. “Thrombosis of umbilical vein varix: A Case Report. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2004) Vol.24, No.4.
  • She published S. Vyjayanthi, A.J.Dawson , S.Bell-Thomas, ER.Barnor “Caesarean Section Rates: comparing the results of the National Sentinel Audit with local audit. All Wales Perinatal Survey and Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy, Annual report, 2002 (November 2003) Pp 35-38. ISBN : 09525207 4 5 .
  • She published S. Vyjayanthi, A. Devi, S. Bell-Thomas. “ Vaginal Birth after Caesarean Section (VBAC) and Maternal choice: Our Experience”, Wales Office of Research & Development for Health & Social Care (WORD) Website, February 2003.
  • She published S. Vyjayanthi, N. Piskorowskyj. Follow up study of patients referred for Colposcopy with high grade cytology & subsequent negative histology, Wales Office of Research & Development for Health & Social Care (WORD) Website, February 2003.
  • She published S. Vyjayanthi , N.Piskorowskyj. Medical termination of pregnancy at 9-12 weeks of gestation. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2002) Vol.22, No.6, 669-671.
  • She published S. Vyjayanthi, U.Rajesh, T.H.Bloomfield Haemoperitoneum due to placenta percreta in the third trimester mimicking placental abruption. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2002).Vol.22, No.6, 690.
  • She published U.Rajesh, S. Vyjayanthi, N.Piskorowskyj. Silent uterine rupture following second trimester medical termination of pregnancy in a patient with three previous sections and an artificial urinary sphincter. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2002) Vol.22, No.6, 687.
  • She published S. Vyjayanthi, P.J.Banfield and P.G.Toon. Elevated Ca-125 levels and endometriosis. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2001) Vol.21, No.5, 545.
  • She got GOLD MEDAL- M.D, Obstetrics&Gynaecology Trivandrum Medical College
  • She got GOLD MEDAL - DGO, Obstetrics&Gynaecology Trivandrum Medical College
  • She got Distinction in Clinical Embryology: MSc, Leeds University, United Kingdom
  • She got Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal College of Obstetricians &Gynaecologists, London
  • She got Subspecialty Accreditation in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery, Royal College of Obstetricians &Gynaecologists, London, UK which gives her the eligibility to practice as a Consultant and Director of an IVF Unit in Britain.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, ART in perimenopause and ethics, IMS Hyderabad Zonal Conference, 18th April 2015, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Symposium on multiple pregnancy-forming protocols-Luteal phase support in ART pregnancies, Fernandez hospital, 23rd January 2015, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Ovarian reserve-how to assess?, Maatrika 2014, 9th November 2014, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, CME-PCOD an update, OGSH Hyderabad, 13th August 2014, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Endocrinology of early pregnancy, IGNITE, Phase 1-CME on Reproductive Endocrinology, organised by ICOG in association with OGSH, 23rd April, 2014, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Panel discussion –clinical scenarios on tubal factors, RCOG world congress 2014, Workshop: Trouble shooting in infertility, 27th March 2014, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Meet the experts-Q&A session, RCOG world congress 2014, Workshop: Trouble shooting in infertility, 27th March 2014, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, Ethics in fertility management, DR.Santabai Satwalker Oration, IMA meeting, 29th October 2013, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Panel discussion-Infertility with pathology-case scenarios, OGSH-CME on IUI, OGSH in coordination with Infertility committee of FOGSI, 19th June 2013, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Chair-Male subfertility-ISOPARB , 13th June 2013, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Panel discussion-Situational analysis in infertility and endoscpic solutions-OI to IUI (workshop)-15th APCOG 2013, 20th April 2013, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Luteal phase defect, Vizag Obs and Gynaecological Society Meeting, 5th April 2013.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Moderator-Panel discussion on Is progesterone now the most important drug in obstetrics? Vizag Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society Meeting, 5th April 2013.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Panel discussion-Endometriomas and ART-International conference on infertility-2012, organised by FOGSI and OGSH , Hyderabad, 17th December 2012.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Diminished ovarian reserve in infertility, MAATRIKA 2012, 3rd November 2012, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Unexplained infertility-evidence based management, Advances 2012, 13th Annual International Congress in obstetrics, gynaecology and Reproductive medicine, 22nd September 2012,
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Hyperprolactinaemia and anovulation, Advances 2012, 13th Annual International Congress in obstetrics, gynaecology and Reproductive medicine, 22nd September 2012, Trivandrum.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, IVF in women with medical disorders-when to say no?, Obstetric Medicine Update-14th Annual CME, Society of Obstetric Medicine, India, 8th September 2012, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Selecting the best sperm-ICSI or IMSI? APCOG 2012, 21st July 2012, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Non invasive assessment of embryo-role of metabolomics, 17TH National Conference of ISAR (Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction) 2012, 4rth March 2012,Raipur.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Non-invasive assessment of embryo-Does it improve embryo selection and is it cost effective in Indian scenario?, Optimising ART outcome-through individualised protocols, Hosted by KISAR-ISMAAR, 5th February 2012, Bangalore.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Lab aspects of ART-Meet the experts Breakfast session, Optimising ART outcome-through individualised protocols, Hosted by KISAR-ISMAAR, 5th February 2012, Bangalore.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Infertility-Recent trends in management, IMSACON-2011, 5th November 2011, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Panel discussion-“Endometriosis and infertility”, ISOPARB meeting, 21st July,2011, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, “Panel discussion-Management of unexplained infertility”, 16TH National Conference of ISAR (Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction) 2011, Agra.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Aromatase inhibitors-An alternative to clomiphene citrate, AICOG-2011, 5th January 2011, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, IUI-An update, Regional CME Programme, 22nd August 2010, Hyderabad.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, “Panel Discussion-Recurrent Implantation failure”.15th National Congress of ISAR, 11th April, 2010, Cochin.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, Day 3 versus Day 5 transfers in repeated IVF failures, Ovary unravelled, December 2009, Mumbai.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, K.E.Hemmings, J.E.Hogg, A.H.Balen & H.Picton.”Non-invasive measurement of amino acid turnover by individual human oocytes in spent culture media”, British Fertility Society Annual Meeting, 12 April 2007.
  • She presented Bardis N, Hamzeh R, Tang T, Yasmin E, Vyjayanthi S, Balen AH. Does low birth weight affect the ovarian reserve and the response to IVF treatment?. 22nd Annual meeting of ESHRE. 18-21 June 2006.
  • She presented E.Yasmin, R.Hamzeh, S.Vyjayanthi, J.Smith, A.H. Balen. Sonohysterography for evaluation of the endometrial cavity in women undergoing fertility treatment. The annual Congress of the International College of Gynaecological Imaging. 15-17 December 2005.
  • She presented S.Vyjayanthi, C.R.Kingsland, R.Dunham &A.H.Balen.”National survey of current practice in assessing tubal patency in the U.K”, Organon Nurses Conference. June 2004.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, T.Tang, M.Deivanayagam, A.Fattah, N.Bardis, A.H.Balen. “Does elective cryopreservation of embryos at pronucleate stage(freeze-all cycles) in women at risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome(OHSS) affect the overall pregnancy rates?”, British Fertility Society Annual Meeting, 30 March-2 April 2004.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, C.R.Kingsland, A.H.Balen. “National Survey of current practice in assessing tubal patency in the UK”, Joint ACE/BFS-British Fertility Society Meeting, 5-6 January 2004.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, S.Basu, G.Jose, N.Hammadieh, J.Evans. – Selective follicular reduction in superovulated IUI cycle-Does it affect pregnancy outcome? A Tertiary centre experience. International Congress on infertility, Bombay, India., 14-16 November 2003.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, S.Bell-Thomas, E.R.Barnor, A.J.Dawson. “Caesarean Section Rates: comparing the accuracy of the National Sentinel Audit with local audit. India Day, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 4 July 2003.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, N.Piskorowskyj “A Follow up study of patients with high grade cytology on smear and negative colposcopy”, The British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology-BSCCP, Annual Scientific Meeting, 10-12 April 2003, Manchester .
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, S.Bell-Thomas, E.R.Barnor, A.J.Dawson. “Caesarean Section Rates: comparing the accuracy of the National Sentinel Audit with local audit. Welsh Obstetric and Gynaecology Society Meeting, 4 April 2003 .
  • She presented M.Zachariah, S.Vyjayanthi, S.Bell-Thomas. “Thrombosis of umbilical vein varix: Case Report. Welsh Obstetric and Gynaecology Society Meeting, 4 April 2003.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, A. Devi, S. Bell-Thomas. “ Vaginal birth after Caesarean Section (VBAC) and Maternal choice: Our Experience”, Conversazione 2002 (Peer Reviewed Section), Health & Social care Exhibition, University of Wales, Swansea, 12 December 2002.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, N.Piskorowskyj “A Follow up study of patients referred for Colposcopy with high grade cytology on smear and subsequent negative histology”, Conversazione 2002 (Peer Reviewed Section), Health & Social care Exhibition, University of Wales, Swansea, 12 December 2002.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, N.Piskorowskyj “Audit on Medical Termination of Pregnancy”, Conversazione 2002, Health & Social care Exhibition, University of Wales, Swansea, 12 December 2002.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, N. Piskorowskyj – A follow up study of patients referred for Colposcopy with high grade cytology & subsequent negative histology. Fourth All Wales Cervical Screening Conference, Newtown, 2 December 2002
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, N.Piskorowskyj “A Follow up study of patients referred for colposcopy with high grade cytology on smear and subsequent negative histology”, Welsh Obstetric &Gynaecological Society Meeting, 4 October 2002.
  • She presented Vyjayanthi, A O’Leary, P.J.Banfield “Haemoperitoneum due to pelvic endometriosis in the third trimester in a twin pregnancy mimicking placental abruption”, Welsh Obstetric &Gynaecological Society Meeting, 4 October 2002.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, N.Piskorowskyj “Medical termination of pregnancy at 9-12 weeks of gestation-, Welsh Obstetric &Gynaecological Society Meeting, 26 April 2002.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, U.Rajesh, T.H.Bloomfield “Haemoperitoneum due to placenta percreta in the third trimester mimicking placental abruption”, Welsh Obstetric &Gynaecological Society Meeting, 26 April 2002.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi, U.Rajesh, N.Piskorowskyj “Silent uterine rupture following second trimester medical termination of pregnancy in a patient with three previous sections and an artificial urinary sphincter” Welsh Obstetric &Gynaecological Society Meeting, 26 April 2002.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi - “Management of HELLP Syndrome”. XIV Asia Pacific Federation of the International College of Surgeons ,Hyderabad, India, 9 November 2001.
  • She presented S. Vyjayanthi , Neonatal LCAD & Maternal HELLP Syndrome – A Case Report & Literature Review, North Wales Perinatal Meeting, Wrexham. 28 January 2000
  • She is a member of ISAR (Indian Association of Assisted Reproduction)
  • She is a member of Association of Gynecological Endoscopy
  • She is a member of FOGSI (Federation of Obstetricians and Gyneacologists of India)
  • She is a member of ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine)
  • She is a member of ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology)


Area of Expertise
  • Infertility/IVF Specialist
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Education of DR. S. VYJAYANTHI

Coimbatore Medical College



Trivandrum Medical College


MD (Obs&Gyn)

Trivandrum Medical College


DNB (Obs&Gyn)

National Board of Examinations



Royal College of Obstetricians &Gynecologists


MSc (Clinical Embryology

Leeds University



Manipal University


Cenrtificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Yorkshire deanery


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