Best Doctors in Max Medcentre Panchsheel Park India

(+91) 894 335 3391
47 matches found for : Best Doctors in Max Medcentre Panchsheel Park India

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, New Delhi, India

Max Medcentre Panchsheel Park

Director & HOD-Gynaecology, 25+ Years of experience, MBBS, MD (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), PGT in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Training in Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy, Training in Infertility

  She is a Senior Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology  with here over 25 years of experience She is a Director and HOD in the Depar...

Reconstructive Surgeon, New Delhi, India

Max Medcentre Panchsheel Park

Director & Chief-Plastic Surgery, 30+ Years of experience, M.B.B.S, MS (Gen. Surg.), Fellowship: Plastic & Micro vascular Surgery, Fellow of EBOPRAS (European Board of Plastic , Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery), OTDS Accreditation (Plastic Surgery)

Principal Director & Chief of Plastic Surgery at  (Max Institute of Reconstructive, Aesthetic, Cleft  & Craniofacial Surgery (Mira...

Internal Medicine Specialist, New Delhi, India

Max Medcentre Panchsheel Park

Associate Director-Internal Medicine, 25+ Years of experience, MBBS, MD Internal Medicine

Dr. Supriya Bali is a renowned Internal Medicine Specialist in New Delhi.   For the past 25 years, she has worked as a General Physicians...

Opthamologist, New Delhi, India

Max Medcentre Panchsheel Park

Senior Consultant-Ophthalmology, 12+ Years of experience, DNB, MS, MBBS

Dr Neha Goel is  working as senior consultant, vitreo-retina and uvea at Max multi-speciality center, Panchsheel park, New Delhi. Her are...

Opthamologist, New Delhi, India

Max Medcentre Panchsheel Park

Senior Consultant-Ophthalmology, 17+ Years of experience, fellowship, MS, MBBS

Dr. Vikas Thukral has an experience of performing more than 10,000 cataract surgeries till now, most of them by Phacoemulsification. Also aNn expert...

Opthamologist, New Delhi, India

Max Medcentre Panchsheel Park

Consultant-Opthalmology, 16+ Years of experience, Phaco Fellowship, DNB, DOMS, MBBS

Dr. Shaily Gupta is a Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon in Saket, Delhi and has an experience of 16 years in this field Some of the services provided by...

Dentist, New Delhi, India

Max Medcentre Panchsheel Park

Consultant-Dental Surgery, 24+ Years of experience, MDS-Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, BDS

Dr. Jatin Ahuja is a practising Orthodontist with an experience of 24 years He has performed numerous operations related to oral cavity in India an...

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