Best Neurology Doctors in Medicana International Izmir Hastanesi

(+91) 894 335 3391
3 matches found for : Best Neurology Doctors in Medicana International Izmir Hastanesi

General Neurologist, Izmir, Turkey

Medicana International izmir Hastanesi

Specialist - Neurology, 21+ Years of experience, Clinical Neurophysiology and Epilepsy Fellow, Specialization, Graduation

Dr. Burak  completed his medical studies in 1999 from the Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology Special...

General Neurologist, Izmir, Turkey

Medicana International izmir Hastanesi

Specialist - Neurology, 15+ Years of experience, Specialization, Graduation

Dr. Serkan Yıldız completed his medical studies in 1997 from the Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Iz...

General Neurologist, Izmir, Turkey

Medicana International izmir Hastanesi

Specialist - Neurology, 13+ Years of experience, Specialisation, Medicine

Dr. Yıldız Arslan completed his medical studies in 2002 from the Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty/Cerrahpasa Medical Pr. and later on...

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