Best Doctors in Our Network

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5226 matches found for : Best Doctors in Our Network

Diabetes & Endocrinology, New Delhi, India

Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh

Senior Consultant-Endocrinology, 25+ Years of experience, MBBS, MS – General Surgery, MCh

Dr Vivek Aggarwal specialized in Endocrine and Breast Oncosurgery.   Treated various surgical problems related to thyroid,parathyroid,adrenal,...

Pediatrician, New Delhi, India

Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh

Senior Consultant-Pediatrics, 15+ Years of experience, MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics

Dr Nargesh Agrawal started his medical career in 2002. He developed his special interest in Paediatric Orthopaedic and Deformity correction when h...

Pediatrician, New Delhi, India

Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh

Consultant-Pediatrics, 13+ Years of experience, MBBS, DNB in Paediatrics

Dr. Amit Singh is a Consultant Paediatrician. He has over 13 years of experience in this field.

General Orthopedic Surgeon, New Delhi, India

Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh

Senior Consultant-Orthopedic Surgery, 20+ Years of experience, MBBS, DNB

Dr Amit Kumar Shridhar is an Orthopaedic surgeon with 15years experience. Acquired his fellowships from reputed institutions of India. H...

Pediatrician, Pediatrics Surgery, New Delhi, India

Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh

Consultant-Pediatrics, 20+ Years of experience, MBBS, MS- General Surgery, MS-Paediatrics Surgery, MCh- Paediatric Surgery

Dr. Anju Gambhir is a well-known Paediatric Surgeon with an experience of more than 27 years at Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh. She is also associa...

Neonatologist, New Delhi, India

Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh

Consultant-Pediatrics, 48+ Years of experience, MBBS, MD

Dr. A P Mehta is a well known Neonatologist in New Delhi and currently practices at Max Hospital, Pitampura, New Delhi. After his senior residency fr...

Pediatrician, New Delhi, India

Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh

Consultant-Pediatrics, 8+ Years of experience, DNB, MBBS

Dr. Abhishek Singhal has done his MBBS and DNB in Paediatrics. He has over 10 years of experience. His specialisation includes constipation in chi...

Transplant Hepatologist, Bone Marrow Transplant, New Delhi, India

Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh

Consultant Medical Oncology, 4+ Years of experience, DNB - Medical Oncology, DNB General Medicine, MBBS

Dr. Suhail Qureshi s a leading name when it comes to speciality medical oncology treatment in India. He has been widely acknowledged for his versat...

Opthamologist, Bathinda, India

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda

Senior Consultant-Ophthalmology, 15+ Years of experience, MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology

Dr. Kashish Gupta is one of North India’s accomplished and well-experienced Eye Surgeons. With nearly 11 years of clinical exp...

General Orthopedic Surgeon, Opthamologist, Bathinda, India

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda

Senior Consultant-Ophthalmology, 20+ Years of experience, MBBS, M.S, DNB

Dr. Amit Gupta is a Consultant Ophthalmologist in Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda.

Interventional Cardiologist, Bathinda, India

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda

Consultant-Cardiology, 9+ Years of experience, MBBS, MD-General Medicine, DM-Cardiology

Dr. Rohit Mody is a Cardiologist in Bathinda, Bathinda and has an experience of 34 years in this field. Dr. Rohit Mody practices at Max Super Spec...

General Surgeon, Bathinda, India

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda

Consultant-General and Laparoscopic Surgery, 17+ Years of experience, MBBS, MS – General Surgery, DNB – General Surgery

Dr. Vikas Jindal is a General Surgeon in Bathinda, Bathinda and has an experience of 22 years in this field. Dr. Vikas Jindal practices at Max Sup...

Urologist, Bathinda, India

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda

Consultant-General Surgeon, 35+ Years of experience, MBBS, MS – General Surgery, MCh - Urology

Dr. Arun Makkar is a renowned Urologist in Bathinda and currently practices at Max Super Specialty Hospital, Bathinda. For the past 10 years, Dr....

Gastroenterologist, Bathinda, India

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda

Consultant-Gastroenterology, 28+ Years of experience, MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine, DM - Gastroenterology

Dr. Ajesh Bansal Completed his Graduation (M.B.B.S) From University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi. He did his Post-Graduation (MD) in Interna...

General Orthopedic Surgeon, Bathinda, India

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda

Consultant-Orthopedic Surgeon, 12+ Years of experience, MBBS, MS – Orthopedics, MCh – Orthopedics

Dr. Dilveer Brar is a Orthopedic surgeon in Bathinda, Bathinda and has an experience of 18 years in this field. Dr. Dilveer Brar practices at Max...

Neuro and Spine Surgeon, Bathinda, India

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda

Consultant-Neuro & Spine Surgeon, 10+ Years of experience, MBBS, MS – Neurosurgery, – Neurosurgery

Dr. Gaurav Sharma is a Neuro and Spine Surgeon in Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda.

Opthamologist, Bathinda, India

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda

Consultant-Opthalmology, 4+ Years of experience, MBBS, MS

A specialist in Ophthalmology with a rich experience of  6 years is currently working in Max Healthcare Hospital. He has also participated in...

General Surgeon, Bathinda, India

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda

Consultant-General and Laparoscopic Surgery, 8+ Years of experience, MBBS, MS - General Surgery, FNB - Minimal Access Surgery

A specialist in Laparoscopic, Minimal Access Surgery, and General Surgery with a rich experience of 10 years is currently working in Max Super Speci...

Medical Oncologist, Bathinda, India

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda

Consultant-Medical Oncology, 7 Years of experience, MBBS, MD - Radiotherapy, DM - Medical Oncology

Dr. Rajendra Kumar Meena is a Medical Oncologist in Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda.

Gastroenterologist, Bathinda, India

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Bathinda

Consultant-Gastroenterology, 3 Years of experience, MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine, DM - Gastroenterology

3 years of experience, post MD with Adesh Medcial College.