Best Doctors in Bursa

(+91) 894 335 3391
55 matches found for : Best Doctors in Bursa

Nephrologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Nephrology, 10+ Years of experience, Specialisation-Nephrology, Specialisation-Internal Diseases, MBBS

Dr. Burak Canver completed his medical studies in 1999 from the Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a spec...

Pediatrician, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Pediatrics, 17+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Bünyamin Teymuroğlu completed her medical studies in 2009 from the Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a spec...

General Neurologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Senior Consultant - Neurology, 10+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Duygu Aygün completed her medical studies from the Ege University Faculty of Medicine in 2006 and further went on to get a specializati...

Emergency & Trauma Services, Orthopedist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Consultant, 19+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Enis Gürsel completed his medical studies in 2007 from the Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in English and further went on to get a...

Otorhinolaryngology, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Otolaryngology, 18+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Ersin Şen completed his medical studies in 2002 from the Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specialization degre...

General Surgeon, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - General Surgery, 19+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Ersoy Taşpınar completed his medical studies in 2000 from the Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine and went on to complete his specialisation f...

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Obstetrician and Gynaecology, 6+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Fatma Sezgin completed her medical studies in 2006 from the Ankara Gazi University Faculty of Medicine and went on to complete her specialisatio...

Otorhinolaryngology, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Otolaryngology, 35+ Years of experience, MBBS

Dr. Hüsamettin Olgun completed his medical studies in 1979 from the Ataturk University Faculty of Medicine.  He started his career at Ama...

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, ENT Specialist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Otolaryngologist, 14+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. İdil Öztürk completed his medical studies in 2006 from the Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine and completed his specialisation...

Pediatrician, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Pediatrics, 5+ Years of experience, Specialisation, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Meltem Bor completed her medical studies in 2004 from the Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specia...

Pediatrics Surgery, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Pediatric Surgery, 9+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Mesut Arslan completed his medical studies in 1998 from the Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specializat...

Pediatrician, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Pediatrics, 4+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Mevlüt Salim completed his medical studies in 2012 from the Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specialization degr...

Oncologist, Medical Oncologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Oncology, 13+ Years of experience, Specialisation-Medical Oncology, Post Graduation-Internal Medicine, MBBS

Dr. Mustafa Canhoroz completed his medical studies in 2001 from the İ.Ü. Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specializa...

General Neurologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Neurology, 22+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Nurhan Şahinkaya completed her medical studies from the Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine in 1992 and further went on to get a specializatio...

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 8+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Okan Özden completed his medical studies in 2006 from the Gülhane Military Medical Faculty, ANKARA and went on to complete her special...

Hematologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Hematology, 15+ Years of experience, Specialisation, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Ömer Önder Savaş completed his medical studies in 2004 from the Marmara University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a sp...

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 9+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Pınar Türk completed her medical studies in 2010 from the Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine and went on to complete her specialisation...

Pediatrician, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Pediatrics, 21+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Reyhan Akpınar completed his medical studies in 1999 from the Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a sp...

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 28+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Pınar Türk completed his medical studies from the Istanbul Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine and went on to complete her specialisation from İ...

Internal Medicine Specialist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Internal Medicine, 18+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Serdal Baysal completed his medical studies in 1995 from the Ege University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specialization degr...

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