Best Doctors in Our Network

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5226 matches found for : Best Doctors in Our Network

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 28+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Pınar Türk completed his medical studies from the Istanbul Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine and went on to complete her specialisation from İ...

Internal Medicine Specialist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Internal Medicine, 18+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Serdal Baysal completed his medical studies in 1995 from the Ege University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specialization degr...

Internal Medicine Specialist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Internal Medicine, 12+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Serdar Almacıoğlu completed his medical studies in 2000 from the Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specializati...

Opthamologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Opthalmology, 20+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Post Graduation

Dr. Ömer Faruk Tabar completed his medical studies in 1995 from the Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a speciali...

Pediatrician, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Pediatrics, 8+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Uğur Yakut completed his medical studies in 2012 from the Dicle University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specialization degre...

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 13+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Volkan Aksakallı completed his medical studies from the Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine in 2001 and went on to complete her specialis...

Orthopedist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Orthopedics, 25+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Prof. Burak Demirağ completed his medical studies in 1987 from the Ankara University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specialization...

Interventional Radiology, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Radiology, 18+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Prof. Cüneyt Erdoğan completed his medical studies in 1994 from the Ankara University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a speciali...

Interventional Cardiologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Cardiology, 20+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Prof. Enbiya Aksakal completed his medical studies in 2000 from the Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a special...

Otorhinolaryngology, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Otohinolaryngology, 17+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Prof. Fikret Kasapoğlu completed his medical studies in 1998 from the Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specializat...

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 9+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Assoc. Prof. Müzeyyen Uyanık completed her medical studies from the Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 2006 and went on to complete her s...

ENT Specialist, Ankara, Turkey

Medicana International Ankara

Specialist - ENT Surgeon, 31+ Years of experience, Graduation, Post Graduation

Prof. Ali Şafak Dağlı completed his medical education at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1984 and specialized in Otorhinolaryngology at Ank...

Neurosurgeon, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Neurosurgery, 32+ Years of experience, Specialisation, Post Graduation, Graduation

Prof. Hakan Seçkin completed his medical studies in 1988 from the Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a spec...

Hematologist, Ankara, Turkey

Medicana International Ankara

Specialist - Hematologist, 15+ Years of experience, Graduation, Specialization - Hematology

Assoc. Prof. Ayla Gökmen graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1996. She received her specialization in Ankara Numune Hosp...

Interventional Cardiologist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Cardiology, 29+ Years of experience, Specialisation, MBBS

Prof. İbrahim Baran completed his medical studies in 1991 from the Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a spe...

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Ankara, Turkey

Medicana International Ankara

Consultant - Gynaecologist and Obstetrician, 23+ Years of experience, Graduation, Post Graduation

Dr. Ayla Aktulay graduated from the Gazi University Faculty of Medicine in 1988. In 1995, she completed her specialization training at Zekai Tahir B...

Hemato-Oncologist, Pediatrician, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Pediatric Hematologist and Oncologist, 21+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Prof. Metin Demirkaya completed his medical studies in 1999 from the Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, and further went on to get...

Cardiovascular Surgeon, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Cardiovascular Surgery, 26+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Prof. Serdar Ener completed his medical studies in 1984 from the Ankara University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specialization d...

Emergency & Trauma Services, Orthopedist, Bursa, Turkey

Medicana Bursa

Specialist - Orthopedic & Traumatology, 29+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Prof. Yüksel Özkan completed his medical studies in 1985 from the Istanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine and further went on...

Radiation Oncologist, Ankara, Turkey

Medicana International Ankara

Consultant - Radiation Oncology, 14+ Years of experience, Graduation, Specialization - Radiation Oncology

Dr. Ayşen Sevgi Öztürk is a well-experienced Radiation Oncologist at Medicana International Hospital, Ankara. Her expert...