Best Opthalmology Doctors in Aakash Health Care Super Speciality India

(+91) 894 335 3391
3 matches found for : Best Opthalmology Doctors in Aakash Health Care Super Speciality India

Opthamologist, New Delhi, India

Aakash Health Care Super Speciality

Consultant - Ophthalmology & Vitreo-Retinal surgery, 12+ Years of experience, MBBS, MD - Ophthalmology, FAICO (Fellow of All India Collegium of Ophthalmology)

Dr Mayank has an experience of over 10 years. Dr. Mayank Bansal received international certification as an expert in Ophthalmology by the Internati...

Opthamologist, New Delhi, India

Aakash Health Care Super Speciality

Senior Consultant & HOD-Ophthalmology, 8+ Years of experience, MBBS, MD - Ophthalmology

Dr. Prashaant Chaudhry did his MBBS and rigorous Ophthalmology training at the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences. He is also a Fe...

Opthamologist, New Delhi, India

Aakash Health Care Super Speciality

Senior Consultant-Ophthalmology, 8+ Years of experience, MBBS, MD - Ophthalmology, DNB - Ophthalmology

Dr. Vidya Nair Chaudhry did her extensive ophthalmology training at the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. She then we...

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