Best Pediatric Hemato-oncology(bmt) Doctors in Chennai India

(+91) 894 335 3391
2 matches found for : Best Pediatric Hemato-oncology(bmt) Doctors in Chennai India

Pediatrician, Chennai, India

Rela Hospital Chennai

Consultant - Paediatric, 10+ Years of experience, MBBS, MD, MRCPCH, FNB

He has extensive experience in the treatment of all blood diseases in youngsters. He is particularly interested in allogeneic and autolo...

Pediatrician, Chennai, India

Rela Hospital Chennai

Consultant - Paediatric, 17+years of experience, MBBS, DCH, DNB, FRCPCH

He is a member of the Tamil Nadu Medical Council in India and specialises in pre- and post-transplant intensive care treatment, acute liver fail...

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