Best Doctors in Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital Bahçelievler

(+91) 894 335 3391
63 matches found for : Best Doctors in Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital Bahçelievler

Pediatrician, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Pediatric Health and Diseases Specialist, 8+ Years of experience, Medical Education, Pediatrics Specialization

Nushaba Abdullayeva completed her medical studies from Azerbaijan Medical University Faculty of Medicine, and further went on to get a specializatio...

General Surgeon, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

General Surgeon, 8+ Years of experience, Medical Education, Medical Education, Specialisation

Ömer Vefik Özozan completed his medical studies from Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, and further went on to get a specialization degr...

General Orthopedic Surgeon, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Orthopedics and Traumatologist, 8+ Years of experience, Schooling, Medical Education

Osman Görkem Muratoğlu completed his medical studies from Ordu Science High School, and further went on to get a specialization degree from Sch...

Thoracic Surgery, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Thoracic Surgery Specialist, 8+ Years of experience, Medical Education, Residency in Department of Thoracic Surgery

Prof. MD. Adalet Demir completed his medical studies in 1995 from Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine, Istanbul University, and further went on to get a s...

General Medicine, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Perinatologist, 8+ Years of experience, Schooling, Medical Education

Prof. MD. Ali Gedikbaşı completed his medical studies in 1990 from İstanbul German High School, and further went on to get a specialization degree i...

General Surgeon, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

General Surgeon, 8+ Years of experience, Schooling, Medical Education

Prof. MD. Ayhan Dinçkan completed his medical studies from Kepirtepe Teacher High School, and further went on to get a specialization degree...

Urologist, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Urologist, 8+ Years of experience, Medical Education, Medical Education

Prof. MD. Ayhan Karaköse completed his medical studies in 1998 from Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, and further went on to get a special...

Thoracic Surgery, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Thoracic Surgery Specialist, 8+ Years of experience, Medical Education, Medical Education, Medical Education, Medical Education

Prof. MD. Cemal Asım Kutlu completed his medical studies in 1985 from Istanbul Faculty of Medicine   and further went on to get a speciali...

General Medicine, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Microbiologist, 8+ Years of experience, Medical Education, Specialisation

Prof. MD. Gülay İmadoğlu Yetkin completed her medical studies from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specia...

Invasive Cardiologist, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Cardiologist, 8+ Years of experience, Schooling, Medical Education, Cardiology Residency Education, Electrophysiological Study and Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation training, Electrophysiological Study and Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation training

Prof. MD. Hasan Turhan completed his medical studies from Ondokuzmayis High School, Samsun  and further went on to get a specialization degree...

Interventional Cardiologist, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Cardiologist, 8+ Years of experience, Schooling, Medical Education, Cardiology Residency Education, Electrophysiological Study and Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation training, Electrophysiological Study and Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation training

Prof. MD. Kamil Toker completed his medical studies from Ondokuzmayis High School, Samsun  and further went on to get a specialization degree f...

General Surgeon, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

General Surgeon, 8+ Years of experience, Medical Education, Medical Education, Medical Education

Prof. MD. Kamil Toker completed his medical studies from TED Ankara College (1982)  and further went on to get a specialization degree from Gen...

Neonatologist, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Neonatologist, 8+ Years of experience, Medical Education

Prof. MD. Nurdan Uraş completed her medical studies from School of Medicine, Dokuz Eylul University She started her career at the   Resid...

Oncologist, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Medical Oncologist, 10+ Years of experience, Schooling, Medical Education, Medical Education, Medical Education, Medical Education

Prof. MD. Nuri Faruk Aykan completed his medical studies from Oncology Institute, Medical Oncology, Istanbul University and further went on to get a...

Pediatrician, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Pediatric Nephrology Specialist, 8+ Years of experience, Schooling, Undergraduate/Postgraduate, Doctorate / Medical Specialty, Doctorate / Medical Specialty, Doctorate / Medical Specialty

Prof. MD. Ozan Özkaya completed her medical studies from Undergraduate/Post-graduate, School of Medicine, Uludağ University, 1986-1992, and fur...

Rheumatology, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Rheumatologist, 10+ Years of experience, Medical Education, Specialisation

Prof. MD. Şenol Kobak completed his medical studies from Ege University Medical Faculty – Internal Medicine, and further went on to get a spec...

General Surgeon, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

General Surgeon, 15+ Years of experience, Medical Education, Medical Education

Prof. MD. Turgut İpek completed his medical studies from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine - Medical Education, and further went on...

Neurosurgeon, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Neurologist, 8+ Years of experience, Medical Education, Residency, Medical Education

Prof. MD. Yakup Krespi completed his medical studies from Istanbul University School of Medicine 1988, and further went on to get a specialization d...

Pediatrician, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Pediatric Haematologist, 8+ Years of experience, Schooling, Medical Education

Prof. MD. Yasemin Altuner Torun completed her medical studies from School of Medicine, Erciyes University, and further went on to get a specializati...

Opthamologist, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Eye Diseases Speciality, 8+ Years of experience, Medical Education, Medical Education, Medical Education

Süleyman Mesut Karaatlı completed his medical studies from TED Ankara College, and further went on to get a specialization degree from Ophthalm...