Best General Surgery Doctors in Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital Bahçelievler

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7 matches found for : Best General Surgery Doctors in Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital Bahçelievler

General Surgeon, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

General Surgeon, 8+ Years of experience, Schooling, Medical Education

Assoc. Prof. MD. Mehmet Tokaç completed his medical studies from Adana Science High School,  and further went on to get a specialization...

General Surgeon, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

General Surgeon, 8+ Years of experience, Schooling, Medical Education, Medical Education

Eryiğit Eren completed his medical studies from Izmir Atatürk High School, and further went on to get a specialization degree from General Surg...

General Surgeon, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

Hand Surgeon, 8+ Years of experience, Schooling, Medical Education, Specialisation

Hüsrev Purisa completed his medical studies from Mansur High School- Tabriz, and further went on to get a specialization degree from Plastic an...

General Surgeon, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

General Surgeon, 8+ Years of experience, Medical Education, Medical Education, Specialisation

Ömer Vefik Özozan completed his medical studies from Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, and further went on to get a specialization degr...

General Surgeon, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

General Surgeon, 8+ Years of experience, Schooling, Medical Education

Prof. MD. Ayhan Dinçkan completed his medical studies from Kepirtepe Teacher High School, and further went on to get a specialization degree...

General Surgeon, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

General Surgeon, 8+ Years of experience, Medical Education, Medical Education, Medical Education

Prof. MD. Kamil Toker completed his medical studies from TED Ankara College (1982)  and further went on to get a specialization degree from Gen...

General Surgeon, Bahçelievler, Turkey

Istinye University Hospital Liv Hospital

General Surgeon, 15+ Years of experience, Medical Education, Medical Education

Prof. MD. Turgut İpek completed his medical studies from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine - Medical Education, and further went on...

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