Best Orthopedics Doctors in Medicana Camlica Hospital

(+91) 894 335 3391
4 matches found for : Best Orthopedics Doctors in Medicana Camlica Hospital

Orthopedist, Çamlıca, Turkey

Medicana Camlica Hospital

Specialist - Orthopedics, 15+ Years of experience, Medicine

İbrahim Tavukçuoğlu completed his studies from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Prof. İbrahim Tavukçuoğlu is an emi...

Opthamologist, General Orthopedic Surgeon, Çamlıca, Turkey

Medicana Camlica Hospital

Consultant - Orthopedic, 17+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

N.Korkut Kasapbaşı completed his studies from Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine 1993 and also he did his further studies from T...

Orthopedist, Çamlıca, Turkey

Medicana Camlica Hospital

Specialist - Orthopedics and Traumatologist, 20+ Years of experience, Specialisation, MBBS

Özcan Kalem completed his studies from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine 1987 and also he did his further studies from Haydarpaşa Numune Ed...

Orthopedist, Çamlıca, Turkey

Medicana Camlica Hospital

Consultant, 15+ Years of experience, Specialisation, Medicine

N.Korkut Kasapbaşı completed his studies from Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine 1993 and also he did his further studies from Traky...

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