Best Neurosurgery Doctors in Medicana International Izmir Hastanesi Izmir

(+91) 894 335 3391
4 matches found for : Best Neurosurgery Doctors in Medicana International Izmir Hastanesi Izmir

Neurosurgeon, Izmir, Turkey

Medicana International izmir Hastanesi

Specialist - Neuro Surgery, 6+ Years of experience, Specialization, Specialization, Specialization, Graduation

 Dr. Evren Sandal started his degree in 2002  from Ege University Faculty of Medicine  and then further he completed his studies in 2...

Neurosurgeon, Izmir, Turkey

Medicana International izmir Hastanesi

Specialist - Nuerosurgery, 24+ Years of experience, Specialization, Graduation

 Dr. Mehmet ลženoฤŸlu started completed his degree in 1997  from Cukurova University and than further he completed his studies in 2003 f...

Neurosurgeon, Izmir, Turkey

Medicana International izmir Hastanesi

Specialist - Neurosurgery, 24+ Years of experience, Specialisation, Graduation

 Dr. Özhan Merzuk Uçkun started his degree in 1997  from Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine  and then further...

Orthopedic Surgeon, Izmir, Turkey

Medicana International izmir Hastanesi

Consultant - Orthopedic, 22+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Devrim Akseki completed his medical studies in 1991 from the Dokuz Eylül ünv. Faculty of Medicine and later on he did his further...

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