Best Doctors in Samsun

(+91) 894 335 3391
28 matches found for : Best Doctors in Samsun

General Surgeon, Samsun, Turkey

Medicana International Hospital

Specialist - General Surgery, 20+ Years of experience, Specialization, Doctor of Medicine

Nurullah Burak Korkmaz completed his medical studies in 1982 from Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specialization...

Laboratory Services, Samsun, Turkey

Medicana International Hospital

Specialist - Microbiology, 30+ Years of experience, Specialization, Graduation

Nurullah Dikmen completed his medical studies in 1989 from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specialization degr...

Radiation Oncologist, Samsun, Turkey

Medicana International Hospital

Specialist - Radiation Oncology, 9+ Years of experience, Specialization, Graduation

sterÖzge Özdemir completed her medical studies in 2003 from Ondokuz Mayıs University and further went on to get a specialization degree in...

Radiologist, Samsun, Turkey

Medicana International Hospital

Specialist - Radiology, 30+ Years of experience, Specialization, Graduation

Semra Hamsici completed her medical studies in 1989 from Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specialization degree in 1995 f...

Orthopedist, Samsun, Turkey

Medicana International Hospital

Specialist - Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 20+ Years of experience, Specialization, Graduation

Yılmaz Şahin completed his medical studies in 1999 from Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine  and further went on to get a specialization d...

Orthopedist, Samsun, Turkey

Medicana International Hospital

Specialist - Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 27+ Years of experience, Specialization, Graduation

Assist. Prof. Hacı Akar completed his medical studies in 1989 from Samsun OMU Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specialization degree...

Medical Oncologist, Samsun, Turkey

Medicana International Hospital

Specialist - Oncology, 10+ Years of experience, Specialization, Graduation

Yusuf Günaydın completed his medical studies in 2005 from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get a specialization deg...

Thoracic Surgery, Samsun, Turkey

Medicana International Hospital

Consultant - Thoracic Surgery, 19+ Years of experience, Post Graduation, Graduation

Dr. Hüseyin Ulaş Çınar completed his medical studies in 2004 from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine and further wen...

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