Best Gastro & Minimal Access Surgery Doctors in W Pratiksha Hospital Gurgaon

(+91) 894 335 3391
2 matches found for : Best Gastro & Minimal Access Surgery Doctors in W Pratiksha Hospital Gurgaon

Minimal Access, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery, Gurgaon, India

W Pratiksha Hospital Gurgaon

Senior Consultant - GI, Bariatric & Minimal Access Surgery, 18+ Years of experience, MBBS, MS, FIAGES | FALS (Hernia) | FALS (Bariatric Surgery)

Dr. Dharmender Sharma follows evidence-based medicine and ERAS (Enhanced recovery after surgery) protocols. so that all patients receive latest medi...

GI Surgery and Bariatric Surgery, Gurgaon, India

W Pratiksha Hospital Gurgaon

Director & Senior Consultant - Laparoscopic Surgeon, Cancer Surgeon & Gastrointestinal Surgeon of GI, Bariatric & Minimal Access Surgery, 13+ Years of experience, MBBS, MS, MRCS (Ed), Fellow of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons

Dr. Rakesh Durkhure is a Surgeon with expertise in Laparoscopic Surgery.  He has achieved fellowship in minimally invasive surgery and takes s...

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