Overview of Hypospadias Repair Treatment India

Hypospadias is a medical condition in which the urethra opening is abnormally present on the inside of the penis instead of at the penis tip. A surgical procedure is required to correct this abnormal condition and it is known as hypospadias repair. Sometimes, the surgical repair is performed in two different steps according to the severity of an individual patient. There are different types of hypospadias according to the location of the opening of the urethra. Many babies are born with the condition of hypospadias which usually occurs due to some genetic factors and environmental toxins. However, it may also occur due to some other reasons. Generally, hypospadias repair surgery is performed after six months of birth but it can vary according to the condition. Sometimes the repair surgery is performed after 15 months of birth. Hypospadias repair is not required in mild cases because of its complications and risks. However, in severe cases, more than one surgery is needed to treat the condition. The success rate is high for hypospadias repair and most of the surgeries can last for a lifetime. Recovery after hypospadias surgical repair can take several weeks. It can vary from patient to patient but generally, the complete recovery occurs in six weeks.

Types of Hypospadias Repair Treatment India

Some of the types of hypospadias repair may include:

  • Preputial Island Flap (PIF) Repair
  • Tubularized Incised Plate (TIP) Repair
  • Mathieu Procedure
  • Onlay Island Flap (OIF) Repair
  • Two-Stage Repair
  • Buccal Mucosal Graft (BMG) Repair
  • Dorsal Plication (DP) Repair

Preputial Island Flap (PIF) Repair

This technique of hypospadias repair involves using tissue from the foreskin to create a new urethral tube. This repair procedure is performed in patients with minimum complications.

Tubularized Incised Plate (TIP) Repair

TIP is another type of hypospadias repair surgery. This is one of the most common procedures and it involves creating a tube from the rounded part of the penis and the urethral tissue. This is often used for some specific types of hypospadias.

Mathieu Procedure

In this procedure, the incision is made on the outer side of the penis to make an opening of the urethra at the tip of the penis. It is effective for some specific types of hypospadias.

Onlay Island Flap (OIF) Repair

OIF repair involves the repair in which tissue is used to create a new urethra. It is typically used for severe cases of hypospadias.

Two-Stage Repair

A two-stage repair surgery is required to treat the condition in complicated cases. The first stage involves the opening of the urethra at the tip of the penis and the second stage involves reconstructing the penis to achieve better cosmetic results.

Dorsal Plication (DP) Repair

DP repair is used for some hypospadias that are not in severe condition. It involves the folding of the urethral plate to create a new urethra.

Procedure of Hypospadias Repair

The general overview of the procedure for hypospadias repair is described below:

Anesthesia: The anesthesia is used before the start of surgery so that the patient cannot feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure.

Incision: The surgeon makes an incision according to the type of Hypospadias and accesses the urethra for the repair.

Urethral Reconstruction: The urethra is reconstructed with the help of various techniques such as Tubularized Incised Plate (TIP) repair, Preputial Island Flap (PIF) repair, or other methods. The specific technique is used according to the severity of the condition.

Glansplasty: The glans is known as the head of the penis. It may be reshaped or reconstructed to improve its appearance.

Urethral Opening Placement: The surgeon carefully positions the new urethral opening just at the tip of the penis and corrects the location of the urethra for proper urination.

Closure: The incisions are closed with the help of some sutures and a dressing or bandage may be applied to protect the surgical site.

Postoperative Care: The patient is closely monitored during the recovery period. Some medications are used to prevent infection and to manage the pain that usually occurs after the surgical procedure.

Cost of Hypospadias Repair in India

The cost of hypospadias repair surgery in India ranges from 1000 USD to 1500 USD. The cost can vary according to the type of technique used in the hypospadia repair. The cost can also vary according to the skills of a surgeon.

Treatment Costs in India Min in USD Max in USD
Hypospadias Repair Surgery 1065 USD 1420 USD

Symptoms and Risk factors

Indications of Hypospadias Repair

Some of the conditions in which hypospadias repair is performed are as follows:

  • Urethral Fistula
  • Meatal Stenosis
  • Urethral Stricture
  • Chordee
  • Glans Dehiscence
  • Urethral Diverticulum
  • Hair Inclusion Cyst
  • Skin Necrosis
  • Edema
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Hypospadias Reversal
  • Urethral Obstruction
  • Penile Curvature
  • Cosmetic Deformity
  • Psychological Distress
  • Urinary Problems
  • Sexual Dysfunction

Risk Factors of Hypospadias Repair

Some of the risks associated with hypospadias repair may include the following:


Infection can occur at the surgical site during hypospadias repair and may further complicate the healing process.


There are the chances of bleeding during or after the surgery which may require further medical treatments.

Urethral Fistula Formation

This involves the development of unintended openings during the repair procedure of hypospadias.

Urethral tightness

Sometimes, the reconstructed urethra becomes tight due to scar formation and it may lead to problems or difficulties with urination.

Skin Necrosis

Sometimes, due to poor technique, the injury of the nerve occurs during surgery which may lead to tissue death. 

Glans Dehiscence

There is a risk of separation of the rounded part of the penis from the shaft which may complicate the situation.

Cosmetic Complications

In some cases, the appearance of the penis after the surgical repair becomes undesirable due to poor handling or surgical technique. 

Anesthesia-related Risks

Complications can also occur that are related to the use of anesthesia.

Surgical Revision

Some cases may require additional surgeries to manage the complications or achieve the desired results.

Urethral Obstruction

There is also a risk of obstruction or blockage in the urinary tract which can be a painful condition.

Allergic Reactions

Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to materials that are used during the surgery.

Sexual Dysfunction

In some cases, sexual function may be affected due to poor handling of the hypospadias condition.

Postoperative Pain

Pain and discomfort can occur during the recovery period but it can be managed by the use of some medications.

Treatment Costs for Hypospadias Repair

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