What is the Maximum Number of Times IVF Can be Done? Will it Impact on Health?

There is no specific number of IVF attempts. It usually depends on the circumstances of the individual going for IVF or the medical condition at the time of treatment. However, IVF can affect individuals emotionally and physically like stress and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

You should consult with your healthcare professional and fertility specialist before taking IVF treatment.

The Increasing Use of IVF

Recently, there has been increased usage of IVF because of the increased infertility rate worldwide due to lifestyle changes and environmental factors. Moreover, the advanced technology and success of IVF makes it possible for the couples who are struggling with fertility issues.

Other than the benefits of IVF, it also has ethical, social and economic factors. For example, IVF treatment needs higher costs and is also concerned with the long term health of mother and baby born through IVF.

How Many IVF Cycles Does it Take to Get Pregnant?

The number of IVF cycles it takes to achieve pregnancy can be different for each individual. This usually depends on the factors of age of women, causes of infertility and the quality of egg and sperm used in IVF procedure.

If you are younger than 35 years of age with no major infertility issues, you have more chances of getting pregnant through IVF than a woman who is older than 40 years with complex infertility problems.

On average, the success rate for IVF is 30% to 50% per cycle.

What Are The Risks Associated with IVF?

The possible risk factors may include:

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) : You can be at risk of OHSS if your ovaries respond excessively to fertility medications. It can further lead to swelling, abdominal pain, and other complications.

Multiple Pregnancies : IVF increases the risk of multiple pregnancies because more than one sperm is used in a single IVF cycle. Multiple pregnancies increase the risks of premature birth and related complications for both mother and babies.

Ectopic Pregnancy : The risk of ectopic pregnancy is higher in IVF, where the embryo implants somewhere other than the uterus. It can be life threatening.

Birth Defects : Some studies suggest that babies born through IVF have slightly increased risk of birth defects.

Emotional and Psychological Impact : The IVF impacts emotionally and can cause stress, anxiety, and depression to the couples, especially when they are facing unsuccessful IVF.

How Often Can I do IVF Treatments?

The frequency of IVF treatments usually depends on your specific circumstances, medical advice, and the guidelines of the fertility clinic or country you are in.

There is no specific limit of number to do IVF. But it is important for you to consider some factors such as age, overall health, response to previous treatments, and the emotional effect of IVF cycle.

It is advisable to consult with a fertility specialist who can assess your specific situation and provide you with the guidelines of the treatment plan of IVF according to you.

Can I Improve My Chances for the Next IVF Cycle?

Yes, if your first IVF cycle fails, there are often several steps that can be taken to improve your chances for next cycle of IVF:

The treatment plan may be adjusted on the basis of previous results of IVF cycle and individual response. Identify your medical conditions and your lifestyle factors that can improve the outcomes of IVF. 

Optimizing embryo selection may identify viable embryos and Frozen embryo transfer (FET) offers a suitable environment for implantation that leads to increased success rates. Emotional support can help to deal with stress. Checking the quality of egg and sperms can also help in success rate. 

It is important for you to discuss with your fertility specialist to understand the specific reasons for the failure of the previous IVF cycle and to develop a unique plan for the next IVF cycle to improve your chances of success.

IVF Cycle Limitations

Although IVF is an advanced and now more acceptable technique to deal with infertility issues but there are some of the limitations for IVF cycle that you should know:

  • Physical and emotional challenges
  • Risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
  • Higher chances of multiple pregnancies 
  • Age-related limitations on success rates
  • Cause of infertility that can affect results of IVF
  • Financial burden and cost of treatment
  • No guarantee for a successful pregnancy or live birth

Age Limitations On IVF

Age limitations on IVF is an important factor for the success rates of IVF. Younger women who have better ovarian reserve and egg quality will have higher success rates. As women age, the quantity and quality of eggs decline that decrease the chances of successful fertilization and implantation. 

After the age of 35, IVF success rates decline more rapidly. For women over the age of 40 years, the success rates are much lower due to decreased egg quality and quantity. 

Older age also increases the risk of miscarriages and chromosomal abnormalities. You should consult with your fertility specialist about your age before going for IVF treatment for your infertility issue.

Embryo Limits

Embryo limits in IVF means the maximum number of embryos that can be transferred into the uterus during a single cycle of IVF. These restrictions are important to reduce the risk of multiple pregnancies and other complications like birth defects. 

Guidelines can be different in each clinic but generally, one or two embryos are transferred, especially for younger women with more chances of successful IVF. Going beyond the limit of two embryos at a time may increase the chances of multiple pregnancies, which come with higher risks. 

Cryopreservation can be considered, in which the embryos are kept in extremely low temperatures to store them for future attempts. It eliminates the safety and ethical concerns about IVF.

The number of recommended IVF cycles depends on individual circumstances. For younger women with good ovarian reserve and no major fertility issues, one to three cycles may be suggested to achieve a successful pregnancy. However, for older women or those with complex infertility issues, multiple cycles may be required. 

Generally, fertility specialists check the response to previous cycles, the quality of embryos, and other health factors to determine the number of attempts. 

FAQs of IVF Cycle

Is it Possible to Have IVF Twice?

Yes, it is possible to have IVF multiple times.

What Age Should You Stop IVF?

There is no specific age to stop IVF. It depends on individual circumstances and medical advice.

How Do I Reset My Body after IVF?

To reset after IVF, follow a healthy lifestyle, get emotional support, and consult your doctor for guidance according to your condition.

How Successful is IVF on the Third Attempt?

IVF success on the third attempt can vary according to individual factors. In the third attempt, chances of success can be increased if the cause of failure is eliminated.

Which Round of IVF is Most Successful?

Success rates can differ, but the first few IVF rounds are often more successful.

Does IVF Cause Hormonal Imbalance?

Yes, IVF may cause some hormonal imbalances due to fertility medications taken in IVF.

What to Do after 3 failed IVF Cycles?

After 3 failed IVF cycles, consult your doctor to assess options and consider alternative treatments.

What are the Side Effects of IVF?

Side effects of IVF can include bloating, mood swings, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and multiple pregnancies.

How Does IVF Affect a Woman's body?

IVF can affect a woman's body due to fertility medications that can have side effects like weight gain and the procedure itself can affect the women’s body in various ways.

Should I try again after failing IVF?

Deciding to try again after a failed IVF depends on your personal circumstances, emotional readiness, and medical advice.