Best Pediatrics Doctors in New Delhi India

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71 matches found for : Best Pediatrics Doctors in New Delhi India

Pediatric Oncologist, Pediatric Neurologist, Pediatric cardiology, Pediatrician, Pediatrics Surgery, Neonatologist, New Delhi, India

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Delhi

Consultant - Pediatric Neonatology, 43+ Years of experience, MBBS, MD

She is a member of the Delhi Medical Council, the Indian Academy of Paediatrics, and the Adolescent Chapter (IAP). She received her MBBS from the...

Pediatric Oncologist, Pediatric Neurologist, Pediatric cardiology, Pediatrician, Pediatric ENT, Pediatrics Surgery, New Delhi, India

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Delhi

Consultant - Paediatrician, 62+ Years of experience, MBBS, Diploma, DNB

He is a member of the Royal College of Physicians since 1977, the Indian Academy of Pediatrics since 1984, the Indian Society of Nephrology since 19...

Pediatric Oncologist, Pediatric Neurologist, Pediatric cardiology, Pediatrician, Pediatric ENT, Pediatrics Urology, Pediatrics Surgery, New Delhi, India

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Delhi

Pediatrician, 30+ Years of experience, MBBS, MCh, Fellowship

He has done over 20,000 cardiac surgery operations since 1991, covering a wide range of adult and congenital heart disorders. His research focus i...

Pediatric cardiology, New Delhi, India

Max Super Speciality Hospital Shalimar Bagh Delhi

Consultant - Paediatrics Cardiology, 12+ Years of experience, MBBS, MD- Pediatrics, • Fellowship in Pediatric Cardiology

Dr. Gaurav Agrawal is a life member of Pediatric Cardiac Society of India (PSCI), Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), NNF and DMC. He completed his...

Pediatric Oncologist, Pediatric Neurologist, Pediatric cardiology, Pediatrician, Pediatric Dermatology, Pediatric ENT, Pediatrics Urology, Pediatric Gastroenterology, New Delhi, India

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Delhi

Consultant - Pediatrics, 26+ Years of experience, MBBS, Diploma in Child Health, DNB - Paediatrics

She belongs to the Delhi Medical Council, the Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP), and the National Academy of Medical Sciences. She offers servic...

Pediatric Oncologist, Pediatrician, New Delhi, India

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Delhi

Consultant- Pediatric Oncologist, 20+ years of experience, MBBS, MD - Pediatrics

She earned her MBBS and MD in Pediatrics from the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi. She formerly served as...

Non-Invasive Cardiologist, Pediatric cardiology, Pediatrician, New Delhi, India

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Delhi

Consultant - Pediatric Cardiologist, 22+ Years of experience, MBBS, MD - Paediatrics, Fellowship in Pediatric Cardiology, Fellowship in Pediatric Cardiology

He holds fellowships in Pediatric Cardiology from the Escorts Heart Institute in Delhi and the Royal Children's Hospital at the University of Me...

Pediatric Oncologist, Pediatric Neurologist, Pediatric cardiology, Pediatrician, Pediatric Dermatology, New Delhi, India

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Delhi

Consultant- Pediatrician, 20+ Years of experience, MBBS, ● DNB - Paediatrics, MRCPCH, ● FPGH (IAP)

She serves on the Delhi Medical Council. She offers treatments such as Liver Disease Treatment, Infectious Disease Treatment, Newborn Care, Jaundi...

Pediatric cardiology, Pediatrician, Pediatric Dermatology, Pediatrics Urology, Pediatrics Surgery, New Delhi, India

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Delhi

Consultant - Pediatric Surgeon, 24+ Years of experience, MBBS, ● MS - General Surgery, ● MCh - Pediatric Surgery

 He established one of India's busiest and most prestigious paediatric surgery programmes, with a success rate of over 95% in newborn surge...

Pediatric Oncologist, Pediatric cardiology, Pediatrician, Pediatrics Surgery, Pediatric dentistry, New Delhi, India

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Delhi

Consultant- Pediatric Surgeon, 37+ Years of experience, MBBS, ● MD - Pediatrics

 Former Professor and Head of the Department of Pediatrics at AIIMS, Delhi. On a national and worldwide scale, I am involved in the promotion o...

Pediatric Neurologist, Pediatrician, New Delhi, India

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Delhi

Consultant- Pediatric Neurologist, 35+ Years of experience, MBBS, ● MD - Paediatrics, ● MRCP, ● MRCPCH, ● DCH

He is a member of the Delhi Medical Council, the Indian Academy of Paediatrics, the Royal College of Physicians in the United Kingdom, and the Royal...

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