Best Gastroenterology Doctors in Medicana Sivas Hospital

(+91) 894 335 3391
2 matches found for : Best Gastroenterology Doctors in Medicana Sivas Hospital

Gastroenterologist, Interventional Cardiologist, Sivas, Turkey

Medicana Sivas Hospital

Specialist - Cardiology, 24+ Years of experience, Specialisation, Medicine

Dr. Abdulkerim Yฤฑlmaz completed his medical studies in 1991 from the Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine, and further went on to get a special...

Gastroenterologist, Sivas, Turkey

Medicana Sivas Hospital

Specialist - Gastroenterology, 20+ Years of experience, Specialisation, Medicine

Assoc. Prof. Erol Çakmak completed his medical studies in 1997 from the Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine and further went on to get...

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